Definition of transmission and distribution networks
Usually, the line that sends the power from the power plant to the load center is called the transmission line.
△ The line from the load center to each user is called the distribution line.
△ Substations are generally set in the load center.
Transmission grid: It is composed of transmission lines above 35KV and substations connected to it. Its function is to deliver electrical energy to the distribution network in various regions or directly to large enterprise users.
Distribution network: It is composed of 10KV and below distribution lines and distribution transformers, and its role is to send electrical energy to various users. Generally, the voltages of 3KV, 6KV, and 10KV are called distribution voltages.
The rated output voltage of the generator set of the power plant in my country is 3.15~20KV. With the completion of large-scale power plants and the increase in transmission distance, in order to reduce line energy consumption, voltage drop, and save nonferrous metals and reduce line project cost, it must be boosted to 35 ~ 500KV by the booster substation in the power plant Then, it is transmitted to the substation in the power receiving area by the high-voltage transmission line, and the voltage is reduced to 6-10KV, and then sent to the user distribution substation through the high-voltage distribution line to reduce the voltage to 220/380V low voltage for use by electrical equipment.